Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hospital day 5

Wednesday - I'm Still PREGNANT!! YAY!! Each day that goes by is seriously a miracle! From being transported to one hospital the next, spending 2 nights in labor and delivery next to a baby now being stable enough that the word "discharge" is on paper. We have made amazing miracles already!
No contractions since Monday night! How awesome! Today has been calm and quiet. I toured NICU and met some amazing people. girl still has a SUPER HIGH chance of being preemie so we are still in constant contact with all the neonatologist in the hospital. Our 'magic' number is long as we get to 34 weeks, baby girl won't have to spend 'as much' time in NICU as she would have if born a few days ago. They say "One day longer in the tummy is 3 days LESS in NICU" and the fact that shes a GIRL -- girl preemies ALWAYS do better then boys. Plus, shes had her steroids for her lungs and extra antibiotics to boost her immune. The Mag is also a contributor to her neuro development. We're doing great and staying positive!!! I also heard a rumor.....IF I don't contract at all tonight then tomorrow i'll be discharged!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hospital day 4

Tuesday - More great news! Last night, I was moved OUT of labor and deliver and into "Antipartum" -- the floor where other mommies are in my same situation...trying to STAY pregnant. This means I am more stable now and the threat of delivery has drastically lowered. I have a few contractions every now and then but they aren't in patterns...just my uterus settling down. I am told I may be here 'till she delivers OR if things remain stable, I can find myself going home in a few days. I am still on my Mag IV drip but because of its "harshness", I am being taken off it today, and all other drugs. If you are on it too long, it will 'cause heart problems to me and baby. They say if I start contracting again once I'm off this drug, they will have no choice but to deliver me. So lets cross our fingers in hopes the medicine has calmed everything down enough that the contractions don't come back.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hospital day 3

Monday morning - Good news!! The amnio came back negative so I was not forced to deliver baby girl and was given another chance to stop these contractions and keep her baking. I had an u/s last night to check on her lungs and to see if the steroids were doing their job. She PASSED!! We saw her breathing for 30 seconds straight, twice...which is GREAT!! This Mag IV drug is awful. I feel like absolute crap. I can't walk at all so it takes two people to literally carry me to the bedside potty. I can hardly keep my eyes open long enough to talk to the doctors..or type this. I'm at the highest dose they can give BUT -- as of this morning, my contractions have STOPPED!! The medicine is finally working!! The room is a lot less chaotic then the last two days. Although we are still preparing to deliver her....the chances of 'staying' pregnant are getting higher! Baby Phiona is still doing great on the monitors and is showing no signs of distress or symptoms from these nasty drugs. I've had amazing family and friends here every hour of they day, even with my tears. I miss my baby boy so much. I have never been apart from him more then a few hours. We're going on 3 days now. I'm trying to stay strong for BOTH babies's to another day!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hospital Day 2

Its now Sunday afternoon. Here I am at Banner Desert...the best hospital for my baby to be born at. I have had over 5 turb shots and am now on IV Magnesium, a real strong drug to help stop contractions, IV antibiotics to 'ready' my baby for the outside world AND I'm taking pills every few hours to also help stop my contractions......I am still contracting though. I have also had a shot of Betamethasone, a steroid shot to help mature babys lungs. I'll get another one in 24 hours. Baby Phiona is looking great on the monitors, shes not in distress at all thank goodness. I have so many doctors coming in and out of this room that everyone is starting to look the same. I was just 'checked' again for dilation - I'm steady at 4cm but I have a bulging bag now and therefore, will no longer be checked for the protection of my bag - they may accidentally break my water. I now have a high fever so they say I might have an infection in my uterus OR it could be all the meds (4 total now) so they just performed an amniocentesis. I was sooo scared but I actually didn't feel a thing! It was cool to watch the whole thing on the u/s screen while they did it. (yea, I'm weird like that). If the results come back positive for infection, I will be delivering her in the next few hours. If its negative, well then that means no infection and its just the meds 'causing the fever. The Neonatal team just left and gave us a clear visual of what to expect shall I deliver her between now and the next 2 weeks. I'm so scared. It feels like i'm in a dream. I can't believe this is happening. Just a few hours ago, I kissed my son and hubby goodbye and headed to the hospital to 'check' if I was having contractions or not. Thinking I'd just be sent home....I'm now in a whole different hospital then what I started out in and preparing to deliver my baby 9 weeks early. I can't stop crying. My heart hurts. I feel like I'm failing my daughter already. I will give my life at this point to save her.......

Admitted to the hospital

Saturday night around 7pm, I started having some contractions again. Every 8 big deal. Then every 6... okay, I'm awake now......boom! Every 3 mins now. Alright, headed to the hospital I go! The monitors proved I was right. I was contracting every 2-3 minutes. Three days prior I was about a 1cm dilated. After 2 hours in the hospital and 3 shots of turb (medicine to help stop contractions) I was dilated to a 2 and STILL contracting! Perked everyone up!! I was immediately admitted to the hospital and was told I'd be in over night at least with another turb shot to help stop the contractions. After 2 more hours and another turb shot the contractions continued on. I was then checked again around 6 am. The room got quiet as we waited for the nurse to announce if I was more dilated or 'the same'. She said "I'm so sorry hunny, you are now 4cm dilated" I swear everyone in the room gasped and looked at me. I started crying my eyes out for I was getting prepared to deliver my baby at just 31 weeks along. Things got crazy from here. I had an IV placed in my arm (after, NO JOKE, 6 attempts- they had to get out an U/S machine just to place my IV....sucky veins). My OB came in the room and said "We can't handle a baby this small at this hospital, we're flying you to Banner Desert. They have a level 3 NICU and its the best place for you to deliver". Deliver??? Yes.....I was in labor and they weren't sure they couldn't stop it at this point. Luckily, it was a Sunday morning now, no traffic so they decided a ambo transport would be okay. In 40 mins time, I was introduced to at least 12 nurses, doctors, paramedics - putting IVs in, signing papers, explaining what was going to happen, the possibilities of Phiona having trouble 'making it' etc......I had to have both AirEvac and Southwest Ambo (One helicopter co and one ambulance co) because I am 'two' people, we had to have double the crew in the ambulance just in case I delivered in the ambo.  - I was switch to the ambo gurney and we drove off to the bigger hospital around 7am. MAY I ADD--- I was alone for most of this. Hubby stayed home 'cause our 2 year old was sleeping and I figured I'd "be right back" My BFF came while I was in triage and stayed with me for a few hours. The 'news' of being transported as well as being transported...I did alone. I was soo scared!  My world was spinning like no other!! ---

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Well, Phiona sure gave us a scare a few nights ago. Long story short I started to have some contractions. They were about 7-8 mins apart and didn't hurt or feel 'real' so I went on with my evening. Within an hour, they become closer and closer together and more and more painful. We hit the 4 hour mark of contractions and they were now just 3-4 minutes apart and painful enough that I'd have to take deep breaths during them. We headed to L&D and was immediately put on the monitors. Sure enough, contractions were now even closer at just 2 mins apart. The nurse checked me and found that I was 1.5 cent dilated and 60-70% effaced. YIKES!! I was given the trib shot to stop my contractions/labor for obviously its way to early for miss princess to make her debut.  As of 3 days prior, I was closed, not dilated at all so those contractions were doing some damage!

I also had an ultrasound scheduled for the day after to check on my current cervix-length situation. We were hoping that it would have 'grown' or perhaps remained the same....buttttt nope. It had shortened over half of what it was 3 weeks prior. My cervix is now right at an inch long. Double Yikes! So now I have a cervix that is less then an inch long, I'm 1.5 cent dilated and almost 70% effaced at just 31 weeks. Shes head down (has been for weeks) and WANTS OUT!! On the other hand, we got to see our sweet princess and watch her practicing her breathing! She also got hiccups and it was so funny to see her 'pop' each 'hiccup'. Her poor little bottom lip would get sucked in with each one. hehee She weighs an estimated 3.7lbs and its right on track! She was snuggled up to my right hip so we only got one pic of her face...looks like shes smiling at us!

So....because Phiona may or may not be making an early appearance, my baby shower has been moved up 2 weeks (to next Friday). I'm hoping to remain pregnant for another 8 weeks....or at least through my baby shower of course. We've been reading up on NICU and preemies and are trying to prepare ourselves JUST.IN.CASE. We have super high hopes that some good 'ol bed rest and TLC will get us through another 6-8 weeks with her baking inside :)

Here are some pics that Mike and I took today while Remington was taking a nap. We make a pretty good team!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Long Over due update

So its been a whole month since I've updated. Miss Phiona is still in here baking away but the clock is ticking. We're hoping (per the doctor) that we make it to 32 weeks. My cervix is slowing giving way, from the inside out. The ultrasound last week showed increased 'funneling', meaning its more dilated from the inside out then previous weeks. I have 2 inches of cervix left. During the exam, when doc checked me, he said "Yea...shes right there and doesn't have far to go. A short short cervix" YIKES! We talked about NICU and our chances of having an early baby. Her chances of survival and possible ways to keep her inside a few more weeks. We go in for another ultrasound next week and if we have a 'definite' change of cervix, he will attempt to be a cerclage or "stitch" in my cervix to help keep it closed for a few more weeks. So, our next goal is 32 weeks THEN once we hit 35 weeks, doc won't stop me from going into labor. He just doesn't think my cervix will be strong enough to handle much more.
We're getting down to the wire!! eeek! I'm super nervous, super excited and well...just hoping she gets here safe and matter when that is.
My weight is crazy!!! I lost 6lbs in month three.....and have only gained 3 of those lbs back. So however you want to put it - a 3lb weight gain or no weight gain? Either way - I'm happy with it!
Her room is just about done! We have the baby shower scheduled for Dec. 1st and after that, her room will be complete I'm sure!!

Here is the latest belly pic :)

How far along:
  One day shy of 30 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: No weight gain in a month! I've gained 3 lbs (but still down 3 lbs from the day I got pregnant) so I still weigh less then I did when I got that BFP :) SO happy about that!
Sleep: Insomnia is through the roof!
Food cravings: Granola, fruits and salads.. MMMM!!
Best moment this week: Watching her have the hiccups
Movement:  ALL-DAY-LONG :)
Labor signs:  Some on and off contractions for the last 2 days...ugh!!
Belly Button in or out:  Half way in, half way out!
What I miss:  picking stuff up off the floor without having to hold my breath. hehehe
What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound next week ;)
What I'm loving: Seeing her elbows and knees move across my belly
Milestones: at this point, its making it another week.
Weekly Wisdom: Drink more water!
Symptoms: Hungry all the time

Thursday, October 4, 2012

26 weeks!

How far along:  26 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 3 lbs (but still down 3 lbs from the day I got pregnant)
Sleep: I can't get enough this week :) in bed by 9pm and up as late as I can...or as late as my toddler will let me sleep
Food cravings: Granola!!!
Best moment this week: Moving into our new house and finally having a room for Phiona
Movement:  ALL-DAY-LONG :)
Labor signs:  NONEEE
Belly Button in or out:  Half way in, half way out!
What I miss:  Not struggling to get up off the couch like an old lady
What I am looking forward to: Another ultrasound next week ;)
What I'm loving: My Belly and thinking of fun halloween costume ideas!!
Milestones: Getting Phionas room like 5% set up
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep when you can!!!
Symptoms: Exhaustion!!!!! Its finally hitting me. I can't 'go go go' anymore

Friday, September 21, 2012

24 weeeeeeeks!!

How far along:  24 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: DOWN 6 lbs - Still no weight gain - woop woop
Sleep: I can't!!!!!!! I'm wiiiiide awake alllll the time
Food cravings: Loving my fruit still and I'm getting into the "pumpkin flavored anything" phase
Best moment this week: Seeing Phiona on ultrasound again
Movement:  ALL-DAY-LONG :)
Labor signs:  None this week thank goodness! Contractions have stopped!
Belly Button in or out:  Half way in, half way out!
What I miss:  Sleeeping
What I am looking forward to: Moving into our new house in 6 days and finally starting on her nursery
What I'm loving: My Belly!!
Milestones: Staying away from the hospital this week and being told I can resume bed rest at home
Weekly Wisdom: #1Ask for help and #2 Friends are awesome
Symptoms: I'm supppper hungry....guessing I'll be gaining weight starting this week
Emotions: Very emotional. We had a rough past week with the thought of being on hospital bed rest. Things are 'stable', not improved but we'll take it! Just glad that I've got amazing doctors that are monitoring me super close and helping to give Phiona the best chance of survival.

This is the "update" I do every week

Our beautiful Princess Phiona

Look at that chicken leg

I LOOOVE my belly!!!!!!!

Big brother Remington kissing baby sister

My first "on-line" purchase for Phiona! I can't wait for her to wear this during the summer

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Miss T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Well well well........ I just have known better then to boost on how 'awesome' this pregnancy was going to the lady in the grocery store lane the other day......

A quote from my doctor that was made a few hours ago... "You are going into pre-term labor".... Saaaaay WHAAT????

I mentioned last week that I was in the hospital for contractions and bleeding. Well, the contractions  have continued, no bleeding, and a nasty pain has started in my groin. The "baby is coming out" pain you get at 30-something weeks along. I went in for a routine ultrasound to check on baby girl and as we were finishing up, the tech asks me "do you feel pressure?" I lifted  my eyebrow up at her and said "ummm yeaa??? I figured it was normal so I have for your second baby, especially just 18 months from the last birth... She said "Your cervix is shortening which isn't normal" She then went on to explain my measurements, what it should be, and what it means. She did add " I'll be seeing you here again for sure for more ultrasounds",

I had yet another routine check up to check vitals, weight yadda yadda today. Doc said to me "Your body is trying to go into labor. I want you in for another ultrasound next week and if your cervix is shorter, you'll be vacationing in the hospital for a few months.. Bed rest for sure 'till shes out and I want you in here once a week 'till you deliver"


So... my cervix is 2.4cm and they want it between 3-5cm and its already softening. I realllllly don't want to end up in the hospital so I'm going to be a good girl and sit on my tushy for the next week...until we at least know what the next ultrasound says.

IN THE MEANTIME -- here are some cute pics of her from the ultrasound :)


Her cute booty

If you can tell, this is her middle finger :)

My pretty princess

Tickle tickle

Okay...shes a Rockstar and she knows it !!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

22 weeks!!!!!

How far along:  22 weeks =)
Total weight gain/loss: DOWN 7 lbs - No weight gain :)
Sleep:  Insomnia has kicked in! Was up till 3am last night and forced myself to go to bed. Up at 8am and wide awake!
Food cravings: Fruit!!! Frozen grapes to be exact
Best moment this week: Mike feeling little Miss kicking
Movement:  ALL-DAY-LONG :)
Labor signs:  ugh! Had some pretty bad contractions along with lots of bleeding. Went to the hospital to get checked out. She is snug as a bug...luckily
Belly Button in or out:  Half way!
What I miss:  NOT having cramps
What I am looking forward to: our next U/S in 6 days
What I'm loving: My huge boobs!
Milestones: Well after this past week....its making it 'another' week
Weekly Wisdom: Take breaks!! Don't over due it!
Symptoms: Contractions and Bleeding :/
Emotions: In Love :) SOO anxious. We're moving to a new house in 3 weeks and I FINALLLLLY get to start on her room!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How far along:  18 weeks =)
Total weight gain/loss: DOWN 7 lbs - This little girl is being nice
Sleep:  Doing good in the category
Food cravings: Fruit!!!
Best moment this week: Finding out we're having a 'lil princess!!!!
Movement:  Yes!! more and more each day
Labor signs:  HELL NO
Belly Button in or out:  Innie but it will be 'out' by 30 weeks
What I miss:  Feeling hungry...its weird!
What I am looking forward to: our next U/S in 3 weeks
What I'm loving: My huge boobs!
Milestones: Finding out the gender <3
Weekly Wisdom: Shopping has become FUN!!
Symptoms: the fun constipation :/
Emotions: In Love :)

Don't mind my obnoxious black bra strap :)

Princess Aboard!!

This is my BFF and I. We are 3 weeks apart!! Eeek!!

My Mom and I :)

My Mom, Me and my sister

Monday, August 6, 2012

IT'S A .................

Our gender party was an ultimate SUCCESS!!!!!!! We had tons of friends and family over. When it was finally time to cut the cake, I got super nervous. I wanted to actually delay the cutting 'cause I didn't want to know if it was another boy :)

So anyways, we cut the cake and the color of the cake inside was......


Our friend then took some pics :)

And the very next day, Daddy, Big brother and I picked out baby girls FIRST official outfit :)

And a pink silky blanket to match Big brothers (his is off white)

And we have decided to name her
*~Phiona Arabelle~*

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm going crazzzy

We find out the gender of our baby in just 6 days....OMG!!!! I neeeeed this next week to go by super fast. I'm going crazy! I want to go shopping, I want to buy paint for the nursery, I want to narrow down our 'name' list, I want to start sewing and crafting for baby....ugh!!!!!! I forget how hard this is!!! heheheeh

OH- speaking of gender, here is the invite I created for the gender party! Watcha think?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

16 weeks!!!

 WOW!! didn't realize that I havn't been on here in a month. I've been "blogging" my pregnancy weeks differantly this pregnancy so I'm not on here  much. BUT I know I've got some friends out there (Mrs. Ciana V) so I'll keep this updated as much as I can 'remember'.

Anyhoo - I've hit the 16 week mark and feel awesome!! Baby kicks now and I'm looking prettttttty pregnant. Cravings and food aversions are different this time around and baby is carrying much lower. My hair is growing super fast, its almost done to my butt.  I'm super duper bitchy though this time :) Here are the stats!
OHH!! And we find out if baby is a boy or girl next Tuesday!!!!!

How far along:  16 weeks =)
Total weight gain/loss: DOWN 5 lbs - I'll take it!
Sleep:  I need more.....
Food cravings: Fruit!!!
Best moment this week: Reaching the single-digit countdown 'till our gender scan
Movement:  Yup! Baby favors the left
Gender:  6 days!!
Labor signs:  HELL NO
Belly Button in or out:  Innie but it will be 'out' by 30 weeks
What I miss:  Not sweating all the time
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if baby is boy or girl
What I'm loving: My huge boobs!
Milestones: One week closer to the 3rd tri....far out but its one week closer!
Weekly Wisdom: Girls....night....out.....
Symptoms: I get winded fast
Emotions: Bitchy =)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Heart beat!!!!!

We have an 'at home doppler' that we invested in for Remis pregnancy. We spent a whopping $30 bucks on it (cheap I know) and was able to listen to his heart beat from about 15 weeks on. I was bored today while laying on the couch and decided to give it a shot. Figured since Im only 12 weeks it would be a long shot. Within one minute, I find it!!!! Perfect little galloping noise ever!! Its not digital so I couldn't get a 'rate' but it was so healthy and strong. Called Mike (hubby) right away and said "Guess what I'm doing?" I told him and he said "I'm coming home RIGHT NOW!!" His 'night routine' with Rem was to listen to his heart beat just as he layed down for bed (claimed it helped him sleep better) so he's excited to continue this 'routine' with this little one now.
Speaking of which....Hubby is calling me from the bedroom saying "Bring the doppler!!" hehehe .... Never imagined him yelling "that" from the bedroom would give me butterflies! LOL!! (excuse my mind)


Oh the guilt....its already here. The guilt of "I did so much more during Remis pregnancy then this one" type stuff. I'm 12 weeks already and have taken just TWO belly pics...TWO!!!!!!!! At this point with Remi, I had 8!!!! One each week. I think its because my tummy is already pudgy from having a baby just 18 months ago so I already looked pregnant. So my belly isn't changing as fast this time around. Then theres the "I want to be different this time around" but now I've wasted 12 weeks trying to find out "what to do to be different" which has lead me to do NOTHING!!! Ugh!!.

My blog more and take more pics....

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Naked Belly - yuck!

I wanted to post a pic of  my "naked belly" more or less for my sake (I'm so embarrassed) I posted a pic of it every week with Remis pregnancy but I didn't get stretch marks 'till I was 30 weeks so my belly was "pretty" for a long time :) BUT - I want to post a pic of it now so that I can see how much it changes for baby #2.

So here it is! I am exactly 18 months POSTpartum and 9 weeks pregnant with #2. My stretch marks have pretty much faded away so it doesn't look too bad but my tummy is still super squishy from Remi.

Lets see how many stretch marks I get this time around!! :) BRING 'EM ON!!!!
(and No, this is NOT photo-shopped, I promise- i wanted this to be as real as it is straight from the camera)

--I think I'll post another pic from the bathroom that I took all of my past 'naked belly' shots from. Again, I want this as real as it is so that I can see personally! Don't look if your squeamish!! JK JK

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mr. Remington

Isn't he just the most handsome little boy EVER???

OH Baby!!!

Well, I'm somewhere between 8-10 weeks pregnant. According to my last period I am 10 weeks BUT I ovulated later, around CD 23 (very typical for me since I have Endo) so according to the u/s I am measuring closer to 8-9 weeks. SO until my next apt on the 21st, I'm not too sure what week I am.

In the  meantime, I am trying something different and how to 'keep up' with this pregnancy :) I've seen it done by a few of my friends so I'm following the trend!
I'll post the pictures in order ~

With "Remingtons Pregnancy" I took belly pics every week.....and I was thinking this time around I would NOT do it....buuuuuut - why  not?? It makes the weeks go by faster right?? So Starting Thursday (which I'll be 9 weeks? I think) I take pictures. Now, I'll squeeze in a few "naked belly" shots since I don't have a 'pretty belly' anymore thanks to Remi :) But I would personally love to see how my own belly changes over then next 7 months :)