Thursday, November 8, 2012


Well, Phiona sure gave us a scare a few nights ago. Long story short I started to have some contractions. They were about 7-8 mins apart and didn't hurt or feel 'real' so I went on with my evening. Within an hour, they become closer and closer together and more and more painful. We hit the 4 hour mark of contractions and they were now just 3-4 minutes apart and painful enough that I'd have to take deep breaths during them. We headed to L&D and was immediately put on the monitors. Sure enough, contractions were now even closer at just 2 mins apart. The nurse checked me and found that I was 1.5 cent dilated and 60-70% effaced. YIKES!! I was given the trib shot to stop my contractions/labor for obviously its way to early for miss princess to make her debut.  As of 3 days prior, I was closed, not dilated at all so those contractions were doing some damage!

I also had an ultrasound scheduled for the day after to check on my current cervix-length situation. We were hoping that it would have 'grown' or perhaps remained the same....buttttt nope. It had shortened over half of what it was 3 weeks prior. My cervix is now right at an inch long. Double Yikes! So now I have a cervix that is less then an inch long, I'm 1.5 cent dilated and almost 70% effaced at just 31 weeks. Shes head down (has been for weeks) and WANTS OUT!! On the other hand, we got to see our sweet princess and watch her practicing her breathing! She also got hiccups and it was so funny to see her 'pop' each 'hiccup'. Her poor little bottom lip would get sucked in with each one. hehee She weighs an estimated 3.7lbs and its right on track! She was snuggled up to my right hip so we only got one pic of her face...looks like shes smiling at us!

So....because Phiona may or may not be making an early appearance, my baby shower has been moved up 2 weeks (to next Friday). I'm hoping to remain pregnant for another 8 weeks....or at least through my baby shower of course. We've been reading up on NICU and preemies and are trying to prepare ourselves JUST.IN.CASE. We have super high hopes that some good 'ol bed rest and TLC will get us through another 6-8 weeks with her baking inside :)

Here are some pics that Mike and I took today while Remington was taking a nap. We make a pretty good team!!

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