Saturday, May 28, 2011

Peach Pickin'

We had a family outing today at a Queen Creek Peach farm! It was so much fun! We dressed Remington up in overalls and a cute hat. He did super well and just relaxed and watched mom and dad pick peaches. We got about 15lbs worth of peaches for $30. We've been eating peaches for breakfast, snacks and dessert! In fact, Remington is eating them too! I made some baby food out of the peaches he loves them!!
We sure had a fun day!

My stud!!

Daddy pickin' peaches for us

Remingtons first peach!

Me and my boy

Taste testing the peach baby food I just made

He loves it..even though it doesn't look like it in this picture

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tonight is the night

Tonight..............Remi is asleep in his crib for the first time.........deeeeeeep breath. I'm still not 'relaxed' about this, I'm still so paranoid about many things, but I feel that Remi will be more comfortable in his crib. See, he sleeps in the bassinet next our bed and every morning when I wake up, he's got one leg hanging over the side and his neck is tilted 'cause he is obviously outgrowing it. So that's when we decided "it was time" to make this move.

We have been laying him in the crib a few times a day for the past week, letting him play with toys in there and listen to music while in there so that he can learn that the crib is not scary. So tonight, we put him in the crib around the time he goes to bed, fed him his bottle and within 15 minutes - he was sound asleep! No crying, no whining, no NOTHING!! In fact - (as we waited in the living room) we could hear him laughing, coo'ing, and making his silly happy noises. That was a relief to know he wasn't scared. And again, he was out like a like within minutes.



So "that" was pretty easy. Now lets just see how the rest of the night goes. And I'm not talking only about Remington......I'm hoping WE have a good night too. It's going to be weird for me, hard for me, different for me to look over and not see Remi sleeping there in his bassinet. I just know I'll be up a few times throughout the night to check on him.

I just hope this gets easier. I know the paranoia will never go away, the thoughts of something bad happening to him while he's not next to me - but I know there's a time and place where I have to let go and let him grow up.

Good night for now.....wish US luck =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another ear infection :(

The last few days, Remingtons eating habits have changed.

He LOVES to eat and will suck down a 6-7oz bottle in minutes and demand more!!! But the last few days, he is refusing to eat. He will eat roughly 2oz a bottle every few hours. His poops are super dry and he has had a fever everyday for the last few days.
This morning, after he refused his first morning bottle all together - I knew something was wrong. I called his pediatrician and they instructed to bring him in. Sure enough- its another ear infection and he's dehydrated. He's back on amoxicillan twice a day for 10 days. They instructed us to bring him back in tomorrow if he is still refusing to eat. Today we are to not give him formula, instead fill him up with pedialyte to help him become hydrated again.
The last time he had an ear infection (2 months ago) he ended up taking 5 oral antibiotics, one shot antibiotic and then ended up in the hospital with a 104 temp and on IV antibiotics. Lets hope and pray that this ear infection goes away quickly and we don't end up in the mess we did last time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Busy Boy

This boy is sure developing a personality! Lets just say.....he is a FLIRT!! OMG! This kid smiles at any lady that talks to him. And he has this new thing that he scrunches up his nose when they do. We're in trouble already!!

He HATES peas, carrots and squash. They literally give him the chills and make him gag. His favorite foods are applesauce, rice cereal with a touch of vanilla, yogurt, bananas, strawberries and sweet potatoes. At least he gets some veggies in. We also introduce these cheerio type things that melt in his mouth. He loves them and it keeps him occupied.

He has 'sitting up on his own' pretty much figured out. He can sit for 5-6 minutes straight now 'till his eye catches something in the opposite direction which catches him to lose balance.

His blankie MUST go everywhere with him or....we're all in trouble!! He wont sleep without it either! Its so cute though :)

His laugh is adorable!! He 'sucks in' while he laughs. He squeels really loud when he wants mommy or daddys attention and he usually gets it =) And his makes noise the entire time he yawns.

He still takes naps on his belly but sleeps on his back at night. And yes, he still sleeps in our room in his bassinet at night. Mommy and Daddy aren't ready for 'the move' yet - maybe in another week or two.

Other then that - hes a great little boy! He's so much fun and so curious! We takes walks every day and he sits like a big boy in the stroller. He loves looking at himself in the mirror and loves getting kisses from the puppies!

This boy is truly the love of our lives.

My handsome boy!! Notice his amber anklet? Since he started wearing it, he hardly drools!!

I can't get enough of that smile!!

He reaches for everything...including the camera!

He loves his play mat. His blankie is on the right of him

He has such a beautiful eye color! I hope they stay that color

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More milestones!!

Okay, we Remi pretty much sits up on his own now. He has to have toys in front of him though or else he gets to distracted with other things around the house and falls over. We have also discovered that he can stand up at the coffee table BY HIMSELF!! Yea - its crazy!!!!! And he loves it! He'll stand there for 5 minutes straight without falling. I swear this kid will be walking before he turns one. He rolls onto his back immediately after putting him on his belly so tummy time is almost 'extinct' :)
I'm pretty sure he's teething. He has been one heck of a brat - whines and cries all day long for no reason, stuffy nose and sleepy. The only thing that makes him feel better - or should I say that helps him not to cry all day long - is baby Tylenol. We've tried the numbing stuff, frozen wash name it - we've tried it. Guess we just have to deal with it!! Ha!!
Anyways- Hes a really good boy. LOVES his Mama and Daddy and LOVES his doggies and kitty. They literally put smiles on his face when they walk in the room.

He's a few weeks shy of half a year old! WOW!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

We are SO cool!!!

He can sit up!!

YAY! My boy is growing so fast!! He can just about sit up on his own now! He's still a bit wobbly and falls over after a few minutes but he does pretty dang good on his own!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mothers day

Mothers day was special. I woke up next to my sleeping baby and the father of my miracle and all I could do was smile. Today was my first Mothers day. I picked up my sleeping baby and held him close to my heart. I took in every breath he gave, smelled his sweet skin and touched his soft skin. I have waited so long to celebrate today as my own day.

My sweet husband bought me a charm bracelet that held charms pertaining to 'us' - Remis birth stone, my birth stone, a little boy figure, my favorite animal, a star, and our initials. It is so beautiful. My sister made me a dazzling necklace that has a charm in which hangs Remis initial "R". And my Mom put together a video montage of "Remi" and his first moments on earth. It is so wonderful! Here is the video on youtube

I also found this poem that touched my heart -

"Before I was a Mom -"

I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was a Mom -

I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom -

I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom -

I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom -

I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life

so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom -

I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom -

I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom

Friday, May 6, 2011

Remington is 5 months!

WOW! Time is flying by! So much has happened in the last 5 months....the BEST 5 months of our lives!! Here is the latest on our little prince charming.

Weight: He weighs 14.9lbs!!
Height: He is a little over 25 inches long
Head Size: 16 inches
Diaper Size: size 2 diapers
Clothes Size: He can still wear 3 month old clothes and now wears 3-6 months
Sleep: Goes to bed between 8p- 9p and wakes up to feed around 6am...then hes back to bed 'till 9am! He likes to sleep :) Naps are pretty scheduled too! He takes his morning nap for about an hour around 11am. Then his long afternoon nap around 2pm. He still sleeps in the bassinet in our room - not sure when he'll move to the crib.
Favorite Activities: He loves his new jumparoo!! He hasn't figured out how to jump in it yet but he loves that he can stand up in it and make it wiggle back and forth. He loves his play mat with all the toys hanging down. Hes not big on his bouncer anymore, he gets bored in it fast. He loves taking walks, loves watching the dogs play, loves cartoons in the mornings and gets super happy when we have music playing.
Favorite Toys: Still loves his colorful book that makes crinkle noises. Again, he loves his jumperoo, he loves the toys that chain together and basically anything that makes noises! OH- and he loves chewing on cloth - whether its his own shirt, our shirt or blanket - it goes right to his mouth!
Eating: Fully formula now. He takes 6oz of formula about every 4 hours.
Talking: Yup!! He has this new sound he makes - its like a really long "aaaaaaaaaa" sound. Its hilarious!
Milestones: He's can sit up on his own - not for long- but hes getting there. He will sometimes roll from tummy to back and he is getting to be more independent during play time - he is starting to learn how to entertain himself with the toys.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 Month Photo shoot * A day early *

I got bored again and took Remi to the park to shoot some photos. I've been waiting for months to have him wear this plaid shirt. It made for really cute photos!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

First time at the playground!

Now that Remi can hold his head up and 'just about' sit up on his own, a trip to the playground was something possible now! He loved the swing...wasn't too sure about the slide...but also loved the bouncing horse thingy. Looks like this won't be the last visit to the park.