Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mommy FAIL award ~

So long story short...........I locked my keys in the car.....with Remi inside!!!!!

I was meeting my parents at a smoothie shop. I got the stroller out of the trunk, opened the door to get Remi out but before I did, I locked the car up and threw the keys in the diaper bag (so I wouldn't forget to lock the doors). Just as I was about to get Remi out, this lady that was parked next to me starts backing out and almost runs the stroller over. I panicked, grabbed the stroller, shut the door and jumped behind my car. I looked at the lady and said "Did you not see me". She rolls her window down and says "I'm sorry, are you okay".........then it hit me........Remi is locked in the car!!!! My mom was still in her own car on the other side of me. I started screaming to my mom. Remember, I live in Arizona where its still 100* outside. I called my hubby (he was at home with a spare car key) and told him to get down here ASAP.  A crowd grew pretty quickly once the word was out that "a baby was locked in a car". People were so nice though. They grabbed towels and tablecloths from the restaurant and covered my car to help keep the sun out. Mike called back and said he was stuck in traffic and couldn't get to us as fast now. So the next call I made was to 911. Within 2 mins, a fire truck and 3 cop cars show up and rescue Remi. Remi was calm the entire time but super sweaty once we got him out. The firefighters checked him out and said he was going to be just fine.  Ugh!!! Talk about a scary mom moment!!!!

Want to hear the funny part of this whole story??? I once dated a firefighter.....low and behold.....My ex boyfriend was the one who saved Remi. Yea....put that one in the baby book huh!?

Lets just say...I have now changed my habit of where I put my keys when I get out of the car :)

What a CRAZY 2 weeks!

Our poor little prince has been so sick these last two weeks.

It all started out with a really nasty and weird rash on his entire face. No where else, just his face. Nothing we did at home would make it go away so we went to the doc to see what they thought. Diagnosis: Contact dermatitis and/or eczema.  Okay..great!

4 days later, Remi came down with a stomach bug. He had a 103 temp for 2 days straight, wouldn't eat and had diarrhea every 20 mins for 4 days straight!!! NOT FUN! And of course with diarrhea brings rashes. So he developed the WORST rash i'd ever seen everywhere 'down there'. -- so now hes got a rash on his face, super duper diarrhea and a rash on his 'private parts' and no appetite and slight dehydration. Back to the doctor we went. Doctor said he's definitely caught a 'bug' and gave us some cream to put on BOTH rashes. He also said he could see that his nose was stuffy so to expect some boogers too. Awesome.....

That night, Rem develops a nasty cough. Weird 'cause it seriously came out of nowhere. We shrugged it off thinking it could just be his boogers draining to his throat since doc had mentioned his nose looked stuffy. So we went on with our life. With in 2-3 days, he got really congested in his chest and developed another 103 fever. You could hear a "gurgle" sound when he'd breathe. He was super cranky, would not sleep and started losing his appetite once again. We gave him some albuterol treatments hoping it would help clear his chest up. Another 3 days passed and he was sounding worse. So back to the doctors we go (3rd time in 2 weeks) His doctor immediately sent him in for a chest x-ray. Diagnosis: Bronchitis AND pneumonia...... Seriously????  So now our poor guy is on some super strong antibiotics 2x a day for 10 days.

His face rash is gone though, his stomach bug has left and the rash on his bottom has cleared. So now if we can just get past this bronchitis and pneumonia, then mommy and daddy will be VERY happy.

TTC update ~ Canceled

Well......AF came into town a week LATE! about intense around here for that whole week. Any-who...after much thought.....I have personally decided that we will stop TTC altogether and wait 'till the summer time to start up again. Remington is going to get more and more fun in the next couple months (not that he isn't fun right now) He'll start walking soon and being able to really play with me so I want to give him another FULL year all attention..just him. He still has lots of "first" coming up and I want to enjoy them to the fullest without thinking about #2 on the side. Remi deserves ALLLLL of our attention. He did for a year and a half while we TTC him...9 months while pregnant with him and now the 10 months that he's been alive. I feel he is the most special and important thing in the whole world and he needs just a little bit more time to be able to feel what its like to be spoiled :)

We are SOO happy and comfortable with out decision and it seems that ever since making that decision, things around here have been even happier. TTC Remi was a rough and super tough journey and we realized that we're not ready to do that all over again- YET!!!! My endometriosis IS getting worse BUT.....if we're meant to have another baby then it will all work out in the end...when the time is right. And right now - we want it to be all about Remington :)

So no more TTC talk 'till at least May :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TTC update~

Well its day 27 or 28 and no sign of AF. I don't feel like this is the  month though so totally not going to test or get excited till like next week (if shes not here) I have super bad Endo so if my period is late, then I won't assume right away that its because I'm pregnant. This will be cycle 3 for us. Seems so easy this time around compared to the 14 months we tried for Remi, the tests, the surgeries, the meds, the IUIs......And it helps that were not in a hurry :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Holy Crap-OLA!!

I just realized that I will be sending out Remis FIRST birthday invites in just over a month!! WOW!!! I can't believe how fast time flies. I've been a mommy a whole year already?? I still remember the emotions of trying to conceive him for almost a year a half. And now its a few months shy of 2 years since I received  my BFP........I'm just soooo blessed to be Remingtons mommy and even more lucky that he is my son.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby #2 ~!!

Well, I am finally coming clean.....we have been TTC #2 for 2 months now. Yes!! We are ready for another baby! I'm scared, nervous, excited and well....super excited!

Heres my back story:
In 2005 at the age of 18 I was diagnosed through Lapo with stage 4 Endo. My periods had stopped for almost a year at this point 'cause the endo was so bad. I had 2 lapos in a period of 6 months before starting 3 months of the strongest doses of Lupron. It worked!! My periods returned within 3 months of my last dose (by this time, it was my first period in almost 2 years). Hubby and I started TTC our first baby in Jan 2009. He was also diagnosed with Male infertility 3 months after we started TTC. Long story short, we had 2 failed artificial insemination's (IUIs), over 14 cycles of Clomid, estrogen AND progesterone. In March 2010, we got pregnant ...ON OUR OWN! Yes! Although we did use "Instead Cups" and Clomid...but we did "IT" the 'ol fashion way which we were told would never happen. In fact, we had a LESS then 5% chance of conceiving on our own.

The last few months, my cycles have been resorting back to what they were when I was being treated for my Endo..20 day cycles and pain....not good. I'll be making a doctor apt soon to discuss fertility drugs again. I don't mind them, my body needs all the help it can get.

As a "success" story with Endometriosis, I have learned a lot. I have learned that you CAN beat endo, that endo does not mean "no kids"...just means you have to try a little bit harder. I'm expecting a super long road again just in case. I've said it before and I'll say it again ~ I'll do whatever it takes to be a mommy. The day I gave birth to Remington, I said and I quote " It was a long 2 years (TTC to Birth) but I'd do it all again in a heart beat. So here's wishing that baby #2 will come when its' ready, that my body will accept this baby and that our TTC is a learning process but a successful one.

Play Day with Rylee

Remi has too many girlfriends! Today we went to the park with Rylee. Shes older but I think she has a crush on him :)
Was actually cold enough to wear a jacket today!!

Cool kid

First time Remi actaully liked playing in the sand

Rylee was teaching him a few things about sand :)

"Get it! Get it!"

Mr. Independent wanted nothing to do with me. He wanted to climb all by himself

He giggled the whole time on the swings

Weight: He weighs 22.3 lbs (50%)

Height: He is 29 inches tall (50%)

Head Size:
17.8 inches (50%)

Diaper Size: He wears size medium and large cloth diapers and size 4 in disposables

Clothes Size:
Mostly 18 months

He's an amazing sleeper..still!! Goes to bed on his own by 9pm and sleeps till 9am! WOO!!! He's starting to skip his  morning naps but when he doesn't, he'll nap around 1030 for about 45 mins. Then nap again around 2pm for an hour

Favorite Activities: Now that the weather is cooling off, we've been leaving the backdoor open and so his new favorite thing is to sneak outside and sit on the back porch to watch the dogs play. He takes notice at anything that plays music - cell phones, toys, TV and radio and loves to dance to it!

Favorite Toys:
His 'toy of the week' is a harmonica. He can't 'play' it but just holds it all the time (we 'play' it so he tries to as well). He also loves his truck!! He crawls around and pushes it at the same time. My boy!!

Eating: He's a monster eater!! Drinks 3-4 8 oz bottles a day, snacks on cheerios and can eat an entire jelly sandwich!! He loves food!!

Talking: He definitely knows who's "mama" and who's "dada" so he'll scream that when we are near. He's also got this new "yelp" going on. He'll get super excited and "Eeek"...a super short scream or yelp. Its his 'happy' voice!

He's standing for a few seconds on his own! He'll be off playing on his own and will let go!!! soon as he sees that we're watching him, he laughs and grabs onto something almost like hes trying to not get caught being a big boy :) Little stinker

He think he gets annoyed with me taking pictures and tries to get my camera!!