Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dear Remington,

Dear Remington,

At this very moment, you are laying next to me asleep in your bouncer. You are just two days shy of 12 weeks, almost 3 months old. Time is flying by so fast. I want to be sure I cherish each moment with you for one day my little boy, will not be so little anymore.
I hope I tell you I love you enough. I hope I give you more kisses then you can handle. I hope that you are warm enough when you sleep and that you are full enough after I feed you. I hope that you know that you are meant to be here and that daddy and We wished for you for many years.
Every morning as I wake up, my first thought of the day is "How did I become so lucky to have such a beautiful and healthy baby?" Daddy and I tried many months, many things to get you here. When the day came that we found out you were on your way we knew how much better our life was about to become.
My number one goal of the day is to make you happy and keep you safe. To teach you new things everyday, to make sure you know you are loved and to be the best Mommy you could possibly have.
I love carrying you in my arms, walking in front of a mirror and staring at the two of us. Those are my favorite moments. I love watching 'us' together. I love watching myself kiss your cheek and you smiling back. I love how I look as a Mommy. I love how you search for daddy when you hear his voice and when you finally see him, you smile from ear to ear. I love when you, me and daddy snuggle on the couch together and read books. I just know that you feel the love surrounding you. You lay in our arms as if there is nothing to fear. We are here to protect you baby Remington.
Everyday since you've been born has been amazing. It's been a challenge but its been everything We've waited for. We love seeing our home filled with your clothes and toys and diapers. You have filled our house with so much love and life. Daddy and I constantly brag about you, telling everyone how special you are to us, how hard we tried for you and how handsome you are.
Baby Remington you are our everything, our heart and soul, our dream, our wish, our life. You have made our life incredible.
Mommy and Daddy love you so much Remington and we will do everything we can to make sure your life is everything that it should be.

I love you

I LOVE......

I love the smell of his milk breath
I love the warmth of his skin against my cheek
I love his sleepy face when he first wakes up
I love the sounds of his coos when he's finished eating
I love his soft fuzzy hair
I love how his hand barley fits around  my finger
I love when his toes curl when I tickle his feet
I love how his eyes get wide after he toots
I love when he looks around trying to take everything in
I love his pouty lip when he he's upset
I love how wiggly he gets when I tickle his belly
I love staring at him and trying to memorize every little feature
I love hearing him snore
I love watching him kick in the bathtub
I love listening his high pitch noises when he sees my face
I love his soft skin
I love when he 'just needs mommy'
I love the little noises he makes when hes dreaming
I love how he calms down when I hold him tight
I love when he laughs when I tickle his neck
I love when he looks at me and smiles
I love how relaxed he gets when we cuddle
I love the smell of his skin
I love his long eye lashes
I love when him and I lay skin to skin
I love watching him breathe
I love his tears
I love how he fits perfectly in my arms
I love his fingernails
I love how he holds my hand when he eats
I love when he stares me in the eyes when I hold him
I love the fact that he knows my voice
I love breastfeeding him
I love how he smells right after a bath
I love waking up and seeing him to the side of me
I love having someone to tuck into bed at night
I love that he is my son
I love being a Mommy


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Remi is doing fabulous! He is still on a actual schedule...not for feeding but for sleep. He goes to sleep between 8pm and 9pm, wakes up to feed around 1am then again when daddy goes to work around 5am and then he's up for the day around 9am. He then takes a nap from 12pm to about 4pm and is up the rest of the evening until bed time at 9pm. It's great!! It makes it so much easier to plan things during the day.
He super talkative now and smiles every single time you look at him. I get comments from people everyday saying "He is the smiliest baby I've ever seen!" -- I of course take pride in that for I LOVE that he smiles lots :)
Remi LOVES to stand!! At times he'll be super fussy for no reason so we grab his hands and stand him up on our laps and he gets so excited  and wiggly! His face lights up and he squeals and smiles. Its the cutest thing ever!
He 'knows' voices now. He turns his head super fast when he hears daddy. And if I'm walking around the room, he will follow my voice. And he doesn't seem to be bothered by the dogs' barks.
He still loves his baths...expect getting out of the bath- he crys and pouts! But when in the bath, he kicks his legs like crazy and splashes the water with his arms. He giggles and 'coos' and smiles big!He kicks his legs like crazy and splashes the water with his arms. He giggles and 'coos' and smiles big!
He loves being outside. If I didn't know any better, he rather be outside then inside. There's just so much to see!
All in all, he is so sweet, super happy and a very easy baby! I love him SO much!!

More "Alphabet"pictures

Here are the next two letters of the alphabet picture gallery I'm doing :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Remingtons First Valentines day -Interveiw-

Today is Remis First Valentines day!! Yipee!! I interviewed him on his 'thoughts' about this special day =)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sweet Boy

Story time before bed

The doggies wanted to play too!

"Look what I have"

The goats were super interested in him

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Remi in his crib

Well no..he's not sleeping in his crib but I had him 'test it out'. I was cleaning his room and putting his laundry away
and didn't want to leave him in the living room alone so I took him with me and put him in the crib for the first time.
He loved it!!! He was stretching, kicking, cooing, and even laughing! He won't be sleeping in there for a few more months
but it was fun to see him playing in there.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fever = sad Mommy and sleepy baby

Remi has developed a fever from his shots yesterday. He has been sleeping all day. He does smile every now and then
still so thats always reassuring. He is kinda limp, just lays there and whimpers. It breaks my heart :( I hope it goes away fast.

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Shots!!! Yikes!

Remi is 9 weeks old today and had his 2 month check up apt AND his shots!!! Poor baby! BUT-- he did SUPER well!! He got 2 shots total
and one oral vaccine. He cried when he got poked but stopped immediatly after. It still broke my heart to hear his cry when
I knew he was crying from pain. He was wide awake, laughing and smiling for about 2 hours after. Once we got settled
at home on the couch, he fell right asleep in my arms for almost 5 hours! And after he woke up- he was still so happy and smiliy!
Never saw the "fussy" baby that they said would happen.

Here are his stats:
WEIGHT: 9.6lbs (10% percentile)
HEIGHT: 22 inc (40% percentile)
HEAD SIZE: 14 inc (7% percentile)

So overall- Hes a 'little guy' still!! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Remington is 2 months old!

Weight: He's almost 10lbs
Height: I'm not too sure....I think at least 25 inches. We'll find out at his peds apt tomorrow.
Diaper Size: Still in newborns
Clothes Size: Just about out of newborn clothes although some of the 0-3 month clothes are way too big.
Sleep: He is awake alot more now during the day. And we basically have a night schedule now! He'll go to bed around 8-10pm then up to feed around
2-3am, then up again around 8am. Its great!!
Favorite activities:  He still LOVES bath time!! He loves his swing, loves outside. Tummy time is starting to become easier- doesn't like it when its on the floor
or the boppy but loves it if tummy time is on our chest. Hasn't got into toys quite yet, but we're working on that.
Eating: Still breast feeding!!! He eats about every 3-4 hours during the day and up to 5-6 during the night. He seems to be a lot hungrier at night
Talking: Yes!! He uses his voice so much now! Its sooo awesome!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Alphabet Pictures

Each week- I am taking pictures of Remi with 'things' that pertain to the alphabet. So far, we've done A, B, and C. So
stay tuned each week for Remis Alphabet picture of the week!