Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Self weaning??

While Remi was sick these last two weeks, it hurt him even more to lay down to breast feed and on top of that he was only eating 3 times a day. So I would offer him a formula bottle (my pump isn't strong enough to get my milk out) if he seemed like breastfeeding was hurting his ears. Well lately, he seems to be rejecting my boobs altogether! Its super frustrating because I pictured myself breast feeding for a long time. But now-- he wants nothing to do with them. I know I have milk in them 'cause I can self express it out. He will latch for about 3 mins then kick and scream and fight with me on it. I try for another 10 mins to get him back on but he just fights it. I offer him the bottle on "Wa-La" - hes happy. If I catch him before hes 'screaming hungry" then he'll latch on. But if I catch him too late- he wants milk NOW- aka- bottle.
Maybe my supply is low? I do know that my let down takes like a whole minute to happen AFTER he starts sucking so he gets super frustrated right off the bat because there is nothing there at first, whereas the bottle is there immediately.
Oh I don't know what to do. I'm going to continue what I'm doing I guess. I'll offer him my boobs at first and go from there.
Any suggestions?


  1. OKay, from my own exprience nursing 3 times I have learned this. The bottle requires no suckling to get milk so they get lazy. For us, they have so suck and suck to get us to let down and have the milk flow so its more work. Babies get used to the quickness of botles. What i suggest is just keep him on the boob. Dont give him a bottle. And if he he sucks, then wants off and starts fussing. express some milk directly into his mouth to remind him that he has to work for his food. MY second child did this to me as well. After a few days i finally had him back on full breast. I know you said your pump doesnt get milk out, but after he has finihsed a feeding, put your breast pump on your breast for 15 minutes to just have the suckling motion which is what increases milk supply. Do this after every feed for the next few days and your supply should get back up. Also if you need to there is a drug called domperidon and it helps increase your milk supply as well as fenugreek (which is herbal and not needing a prescription for). Also nurse him frequently and dont get stressed out from him crying about having to work for it. Stress causes you to not be able to let down your milk. Relax as much as you possibly can. Maybe some calming music for you to listen to and focus on while attempting it over the next few days. You could also look up a lacataion consultant in your area they are really good I had 1 each time to help with breastfeeding. Dont give up on yourself just yet :)

  2. Thank you SO much for the advice (its just nice to know people are out there listening to me). Anyways- Today I tried putting formula in a syringe and squirting it in his mouth AS HE WAS LATCHED ON - so he thought milk was coming out. Like I said, my let down takes like a whole minute AFTER he starts sucking and he gets super frustrated with 'the' delay. Tomorrow- I'm going to try to latch him every 2 hours to get him interested in the boob again. I think today we did the bottle a lot less then the day before. I actually 'filled him up' on my boobs today a few times -- the first time in weeks!
    I'm eating oatmeal every morning but I am super interested in those 2 supplements that you said. I'll call my doctor to ask about the prescription one and I'll search for the fenugreek one (ive heard good things on that one)
    --- you made me feel so relieved when you said this has happened to you too. It gave me hope that I can turn this around and continue breast feeding. I absolutly LOVE LOVE LOVE breast feeding and wish to do it as long as I can. It breaks my hear that Remi is chosing the bottle. I'm not ready to 'dry my boobs up' yet. I gave up breast feeding the 2nd week Remi was born....but I just couldn't get past 'giving up' so even though it hurt super bad- I gave it a second try. Now were coming up to 4 months. With that being said-- I will try my BEST to not give up or lose hope again.
    Nicole-- you are amazing! I love your support..you have no idea. Thank you for listening to me and being there for me.

  3. I know how you feel. And I just hoped you didnt think I was some crazy lady stalking your blog. I started reading your blog shortly before you got your bfp on your infertility story. It gives me hope that maybe one day I will concieve again.

    But you did great. They suggested the formula squirt as well to me to make my son think it was me. Another thing, a bit more personal. If your nipples are harder to latch to for some reason, the other suggestiont hey gave me were nipple sheilds. It also works well because you can squirt a bit of milk into there before hand and they think oh my, im latched and theres milk right away. But dont give up hun. You can do it! All you need is to relax, find support when needed. Nursing is one of the best experiences of motherhood and often I see moms give up due to pain from impropper latching and frusteration when their milk supply drops a bit. So dont give up, you are on the right track.

    With the domperidon it goes into your milk a little. I believe it helps with digestion problems in people, but the side effect of it causes lactation. So it can go through the milk a bit, but definitly try fenugreek. The only thing you will notice or may notice is it makes your fluids (breastmilk, saliva) smell like maple syrup lol. (i used both, i will say I got more milk out of using domperidon with my first child because all i did was pump and i could pump 8oz at a time from each breast) but i know fenugreek definitly helped with my second and third child.

    And I just like to add, your son is adorable! I think he looks so much like you.

  4. oh and one more thing i just thought of. Warm compresses on your breasts well make let down faster. So warm towel right from a dryer, on your chest will make the letdown faster, and it relaxes you as well.

  5. Yorlee has been doing the same thing lately. She receives bottles at daycare, and when I nurse her at home she seems impatient. When she starts squirming, I just sit her up and play with her. Once she calms down, I put her back to the breast. If that doesn't work, I'll pump for a few seconds until I let down, ad then put her to the breast. It usually works very well. I was nervous for a little while, but things are going better now. I hope Remi gets back into the swing of things soon!
