Remi started to feel very warm to the touch this morning. We checked his temp and it was 99. We didn't worry, gave him tylenol and l put him down to bed. We checked on him an hour later and his temp went up to 100. We started getting a little worried since his temp was rising even on tylenol. We checked his temp 20 mins later and it spiked to 101. We immediately called his Doc and they said take him to ER. They took his temp as soon as we arrived and it was now up to 102!! Lets just say, things moved pretty fast after this. They admitted him right away and the room flooded with doctors. They explained they would be testing for meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis. This means he was about to get an X-ray of his lungs, blood draw and worst of all- a spinal tap. We freaked!! Once again-things moved really fast.
The spinal tap was first - that was the worst thing I could have ever witnessed. The scream that I heard come out of my precious innocent boy was sad enough to even make the nurses tear up. Two nurses held him down while the doctor did the procedure and another 2 nurses were handing the doctor the necessary tools and hubby a sat in the corner holding each other tight. Everyone was in masks and gowns. The room looked and felt so cold. It only took about 15 mins from start to finish but ....I don't wish that on anyone.
Next was the blood draw and starting an IV line. They couldn't get a line in in any of his veins on his hands or arms after trying a few they went for the scalp. OMG! Talk about another horrible horrible sound come out of this tiny little baby.
Finally the X-ray. Hubby couldn't go with us so I had to do this one alone. They stuck my poor naked baby in what looked like "the clear tube thing they have at the drive through ATMS"- They jammed him in this thing with his arms raised above his head and took a few pictures. He was screaming so loud....and because it was an xray, I wasn't able to hold him to comfort him.
We were then finally allowed to lay in bed and hold our baby without anyone poking him. They started up his IVs- saline and an antibiotic- and finally gave Remi some Tylenol to help his fever. He fell right to sleep and that was the best sight after what he'd just been through.
Good news and Bad news- He tested negative for all the 'bad stuff' BUT-- he has a super bad infection in his tiny body along with the 'ol mighty ear infection. They are now looking into if this infection is in his blood stream and/or what type of virus it is.
I wish I could change places with him..........
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