Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

When I first started trying for a baby in the beginning of 2009...I imagined we'd have a 2009 baby. Then when that didn't happen....I imagined and hoped for a 2010 baby (which obviously we did by a mere 3 weeks)....but just before we got pregnant the thought of having a 2011 baby came to my mind. I had given up my last cycle fearing we would be childless another month and dreaded having a 2011 baby...(since we started trying in 2009) Just made it seem like we we're trying for a loong time! So in the beginning of the year- I hated the number 2011-- but now??? I think that number has so many optimistic opportunities for Mike and I. The year 2011 has started and we are the happiest we've ever been.
Also-- in the last 2 days, I've received calls from two separate companies that want me to work for them starting TOMORROW!! The hours are great- part time so I can still be a mommy... So as far as work goes- that seems to be starting off extremely well too! ....just need to figure out when I can 'mentally' go back to work....I haven't spent time away from Remi yet so I need to prepare myself first before I jump into a job.
Like I said- I am very optimistic about this year. We sure do have LOTS of plans for 2011~

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