Monday, December 20, 2010

My FIRSTchallenge

Mike has gone back to work today...........that  means I'm ON MY OWN with Remi!!!! Im SUPER nervous even though I "know" babies really good! Its just that its MY baby this time...not a baby that I can 'give back' when I'm done!! haha
Anyways, one hour is already down- we've done 2 diapers changes, a feeding, pumped, got Remi bathed and dressed, got me bathed and dressed, made me breakfast and coffee and had time to check my email!! I'm headed to my sisters actually do to some Christmas crafts so the next few hours will be okay....but the 'nerves' will start all over again when I come back home....Mike better get off work early today :)
I'll let you know how the rest of the day goes.....

PS- Remi has another Pediatrician apt tomorrow to check on his weight.........AND Mike took the day off so I'll be much better tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!! It sounds like you're already off to a great start! :-)
