Monday, December 20, 2010

~2 Weeks Old~

Remington is 2 weeks old today!!!!!!!
I can't believe it!

We ALL are doing great! Hes eating about every 2-3 hours now during the day at 3 hours at night.
Speaking of food- I've given up on breastfeeding. I was in so much pain each time, crying every single feeding and getting so frustrated that I felt it would be better for me mentally to not breastfeed. I feel that a "happy mom will make a happy baby" and if I dreaded feeding my own baby; something had to change.  So I am now pumping every 3-4 hours and I am LOVING it.....well liking it a lot better then actual breastfeeding. I'm on average I'm getting 6-7 oz each pump- which is roughly 3 bottles worth right now so its totally worth it. Our supply in the freezer is about 50 bottles so in another 2-3 weeks when I return to work, we will have a good supply!  I am WAY more less stressed, not moody and I can now have help in the middle of the day or night with feedings from Mike. Plus- the smile Mike has on his face when he's feeding Remi is priceless :)
So things are going great!! I fluctuate one or two pounds at my pre pregnancy weight (which I'm happy with). I'm getting at LEAST 8 hours of sleep a night or more!!! And thats with feedings and changes all night.  Mike and I still stay up late and enjoy our same routines that he had before Remi was here. We are really enjoying being parents and so far- its pretty easy!!

PS- Mike went to work today and I managed SUPER well.....I cheated a little. We spent most of the day at my sisters house and as soon as we got home, we both took a nap 'till daddy got home. So other then the hectic morning we had- the day went super smooth!! Mike goes to work again on Wednesday so that will be the TRUE challenge for I have nothing planned that day.

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