On top of that (I've never talked about this) he has a "Pilonidal Dimple" on his spine. Its actually a 'hole' type thing right on his tailbone. Its 'kinda' common. The risks if its 'open' all the way to his spine is Spina bifida- a type of nerve disease that results in paralysis and other defects. *Yea....just what a mom wants to hear minutes after her baby is born.* BUT-- the pediatrician says it looks closed so the thought of it going to his spine is low....but wants to double check it with an ultrasound. She said not to worry, his movements are great and if he did have this spina bifida thing- we'd already be seeing effects of it. Its actually hereditary. My Mom, my sister and her daughter were all born with this 'dimple' thing. It's kinda scary but we're thinking positive thoughts! Ultra sound will be scheduled in the next few weeks.
In the meantime~ we're gearing up for his first shots!!! (or should I say Mom is gearing up for his first shots) :)
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