Friday, September 21, 2012

24 weeeeeeeks!!

How far along:  24 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: DOWN 6 lbs - Still no weight gain - woop woop
Sleep: I can't!!!!!!! I'm wiiiiide awake alllll the time
Food cravings: Loving my fruit still and I'm getting into the "pumpkin flavored anything" phase
Best moment this week: Seeing Phiona on ultrasound again
Movement:  ALL-DAY-LONG :)
Labor signs:  None this week thank goodness! Contractions have stopped!
Belly Button in or out:  Half way in, half way out!
What I miss:  Sleeeping
What I am looking forward to: Moving into our new house in 6 days and finally starting on her nursery
What I'm loving: My Belly!!
Milestones: Staying away from the hospital this week and being told I can resume bed rest at home
Weekly Wisdom: #1Ask for help and #2 Friends are awesome
Symptoms: I'm supppper hungry....guessing I'll be gaining weight starting this week
Emotions: Very emotional. We had a rough past week with the thought of being on hospital bed rest. Things are 'stable', not improved but we'll take it! Just glad that I've got amazing doctors that are monitoring me super close and helping to give Phiona the best chance of survival.

This is the "update" I do every week

Our beautiful Princess Phiona

Look at that chicken leg

I LOOOVE my belly!!!!!!!

Big brother Remington kissing baby sister

My first "on-line" purchase for Phiona! I can't wait for her to wear this during the summer

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Miss T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Well well well........ I just have known better then to boost on how 'awesome' this pregnancy was going to the lady in the grocery store lane the other day......

A quote from my doctor that was made a few hours ago... "You are going into pre-term labor".... Saaaaay WHAAT????

I mentioned last week that I was in the hospital for contractions and bleeding. Well, the contractions  have continued, no bleeding, and a nasty pain has started in my groin. The "baby is coming out" pain you get at 30-something weeks along. I went in for a routine ultrasound to check on baby girl and as we were finishing up, the tech asks me "do you feel pressure?" I lifted  my eyebrow up at her and said "ummm yeaa??? I figured it was normal so I have for your second baby, especially just 18 months from the last birth... She said "Your cervix is shortening which isn't normal" She then went on to explain my measurements, what it should be, and what it means. She did add " I'll be seeing you here again for sure for more ultrasounds",

I had yet another routine check up to check vitals, weight yadda yadda today. Doc said to me "Your body is trying to go into labor. I want you in for another ultrasound next week and if your cervix is shorter, you'll be vacationing in the hospital for a few months.. Bed rest for sure 'till shes out and I want you in here once a week 'till you deliver"


So... my cervix is 2.4cm and they want it between 3-5cm and its already softening. I realllllly don't want to end up in the hospital so I'm going to be a good girl and sit on my tushy for the next week...until we at least know what the next ultrasound says.

IN THE MEANTIME -- here are some cute pics of her from the ultrasound :)


Her cute booty

If you can tell, this is her middle finger :)

My pretty princess

Tickle tickle

Okay...shes a Rockstar and she knows it !!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

22 weeks!!!!!

How far along:  22 weeks =)
Total weight gain/loss: DOWN 7 lbs - No weight gain :)
Sleep:  Insomnia has kicked in! Was up till 3am last night and forced myself to go to bed. Up at 8am and wide awake!
Food cravings: Fruit!!! Frozen grapes to be exact
Best moment this week: Mike feeling little Miss kicking
Movement:  ALL-DAY-LONG :)
Labor signs:  ugh! Had some pretty bad contractions along with lots of bleeding. Went to the hospital to get checked out. She is snug as a bug...luckily
Belly Button in or out:  Half way!
What I miss:  NOT having cramps
What I am looking forward to: our next U/S in 6 days
What I'm loving: My huge boobs!
Milestones: Well after this past week....its making it 'another' week
Weekly Wisdom: Take breaks!! Don't over due it!
Symptoms: Contractions and Bleeding :/
Emotions: In Love :) SOO anxious. We're moving to a new house in 3 weeks and I FINALLLLLY get to start on her room!!!