Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Heart beat!!!!!

We have an 'at home doppler' that we invested in for Remis pregnancy. We spent a whopping $30 bucks on it (cheap I know) and was able to listen to his heart beat from about 15 weeks on. I was bored today while laying on the couch and decided to give it a shot. Figured since Im only 12 weeks it would be a long shot. Within one minute, I find it!!!! Perfect little galloping noise ever!! Its not digital so I couldn't get a 'rate' but it was so healthy and strong. Called Mike (hubby) right away and said "Guess what I'm doing?" I told him and he said "I'm coming home RIGHT NOW!!" His 'night routine' with Rem was to listen to his heart beat just as he layed down for bed (claimed it helped him sleep better) so he's excited to continue this 'routine' with this little one now.
Speaking of which....Hubby is calling me from the bedroom saying "Bring the doppler!!" hehehe .... Never imagined him yelling "that" from the bedroom would give me butterflies! LOL!! (excuse my mind)


Oh the guilt....its already here. The guilt of "I did so much more during Remis pregnancy then this one" type stuff. I'm 12 weeks already and have taken just TWO belly pics...TWO!!!!!!!! At this point with Remi, I had 8!!!! One each week. I think its because my tummy is already pudgy from having a baby just 18 months ago so I already looked pregnant. So my belly isn't changing as fast this time around. Then theres the "I want to be different this time around" but now I've wasted 12 weeks trying to find out "what to do to be different" which has lead me to do NOTHING!!! Ugh!!.

My vow.....to blog more and take more pics....

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Naked Belly - yuck!

I wanted to post a pic of  my "naked belly" more or less for my sake (I'm so embarrassed) I posted a pic of it every week with Remis pregnancy but I didn't get stretch marks 'till I was 30 weeks so my belly was "pretty" for a long time :) BUT - I want to post a pic of it now so that I can see how much it changes for baby #2.

So here it is! I am exactly 18 months POSTpartum and 9 weeks pregnant with #2. My stretch marks have pretty much faded away so it doesn't look too bad but my tummy is still super squishy from Remi.

Lets see how many stretch marks I get this time around!! :) BRING 'EM ON!!!!
(and No, this is NOT photo-shopped, I promise- i wanted this to be as real as it is straight from the camera)

--I think I'll post another pic from the bathroom that I took all of my past 'naked belly' shots from. Again, I want this as real as it is so that I can see personally! Don't look if your squeamish!! JK JK

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mr. Remington

Isn't he just the most handsome little boy EVER???

OH Baby!!!

Well, I'm somewhere between 8-10 weeks pregnant. According to my last period I am 10 weeks BUT I ovulated later, around CD 23 (very typical for me since I have Endo) so according to the u/s I am measuring closer to 8-9 weeks. SO until my next apt on the 21st, I'm not too sure what week I am.

In the  meantime, I am trying something different and how to 'keep up' with this pregnancy :) I've seen it done by a few of my friends so I'm following the trend!
I'll post the pictures in order ~

With "Remingtons Pregnancy" I took belly pics every week.....and I was thinking this time around I would NOT do it....buuuuuut - why  not?? It makes the weeks go by faster right?? So Starting Thursday (which I'll be 9 weeks? I think) I take pictures. Now, I'll squeeze in a few "naked belly" shots since I don't have a 'pretty belly' anymore thanks to Remi :) But I would personally love to see how my own belly changes over then next 7 months :)