Weight: He weighs 22.8 lbs (50%)
Height: He is 31 inches (75%)
Head Size: 18 inches (25%)
Diaper Size: He wears size medium and large cloth diapers and size 4 in disposables
Clothes Size: He wears 18 month to 24 month clothes! My big boy!
Sleep: LoVeS to sleep!! Bed time is around 9p and he sleeps 12-13 hours, waking up around 9-10am. He then goes down for a nap around 1130am and sometimes takes a 2nd nap around 2 (depending on how much we play that day)
Favorite Activities: Now that he's walking, he just loves to walk! He'll walk allllll over the living room clapping his hands and 'singing'. He is trying to learn how to walk from inside to outside (its a big step) so thats what you can find him doing most afternoons.
Favorite Toys: He has tons of new toys from his birthday so he's got lots of favorites. We did get him a tent and set it up in the corner of the living room and he spends LOTS of time in there. He loves his trucks and dinosaurs. He also loves his alphabet train that my best friend Amy got him
Eating: He snacks throughout the day on animal crackers, fruit loops and cheerios. He hates peas still (in fact he puked 3 times last night after we tried to get him to eat them) but loves fruit and all other foods. He basically eats what we eat for all meals. He also takes 2 bottles a day of whole milk
Talking: Hasn't said any 'new' words yet but babbles and 'talks' allll day long!! ...especially when he gets super excited!
Milestones: Well, he walks everrrrrrywhere now. Hardly ever crawls. He has learned to climb things though this month. You'll find him trying to climb everything!!
My boy is SOOO big now!!!
Height: He is 31 inches (75%)
Head Size: 18 inches (25%)
Diaper Size: He wears size medium and large cloth diapers and size 4 in disposables
Clothes Size: He wears 18 month to 24 month clothes! My big boy!
Sleep: LoVeS to sleep!! Bed time is around 9p and he sleeps 12-13 hours, waking up around 9-10am. He then goes down for a nap around 1130am and sometimes takes a 2nd nap around 2 (depending on how much we play that day)
Favorite Activities: Now that he's walking, he just loves to walk! He'll walk allllll over the living room clapping his hands and 'singing'. He is trying to learn how to walk from inside to outside (its a big step) so thats what you can find him doing most afternoons.
Favorite Toys: He has tons of new toys from his birthday so he's got lots of favorites. We did get him a tent and set it up in the corner of the living room and he spends LOTS of time in there. He loves his trucks and dinosaurs. He also loves his alphabet train that my best friend Amy got him
Eating: He snacks throughout the day on animal crackers, fruit loops and cheerios. He hates peas still (in fact he puked 3 times last night after we tried to get him to eat them) but loves fruit and all other foods. He basically eats what we eat for all meals. He also takes 2 bottles a day of whole milk
Talking: Hasn't said any 'new' words yet but babbles and 'talks' allll day long!! ...especially when he gets super excited!
Milestones: Well, he walks everrrrrrywhere now. Hardly ever crawls. He has learned to climb things though this month. You'll find him trying to climb everything!!
My boy is SOOO big now!!!
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