Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mommy FAIL award ~

So long story short...........I locked my keys in the car.....with Remi inside!!!!!

I was meeting my parents at a smoothie shop. I got the stroller out of the trunk, opened the door to get Remi out but before I did, I locked the car up and threw the keys in the diaper bag (so I wouldn't forget to lock the doors). Just as I was about to get Remi out, this lady that was parked next to me starts backing out and almost runs the stroller over. I panicked, grabbed the stroller, shut the door and jumped behind my car. I looked at the lady and said "Did you not see me". She rolls her window down and says "I'm sorry, are you okay".........then it hit me........Remi is locked in the car!!!! My mom was still in her own car on the other side of me. I started screaming to my mom. Remember, I live in Arizona where its still 100* outside. I called my hubby (he was at home with a spare car key) and told him to get down here ASAP.  A crowd grew pretty quickly once the word was out that "a baby was locked in a car". People were so nice though. They grabbed towels and tablecloths from the restaurant and covered my car to help keep the sun out. Mike called back and said he was stuck in traffic and couldn't get to us as fast now. So the next call I made was to 911. Within 2 mins, a fire truck and 3 cop cars show up and rescue Remi. Remi was calm the entire time but super sweaty once we got him out. The firefighters checked him out and said he was going to be just fine.  Ugh!!! Talk about a scary mom moment!!!!

Want to hear the funny part of this whole story??? I once dated a firefighter.....low and behold.....My ex boyfriend was the one who saved Remi. Yea....put that one in the baby book huh!?

Lets just say...I have now changed my habit of where I put my keys when I get out of the car :)

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