Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9 Months old!!

Weight: He weighs 19.13 lbs (20%)

Height: He is 29 inches tall (90%)

Head Size:
17.8 inches (50%)

Diaper Size: He wears size medium and large cloth diapers and size 4 in disposables

Clothes Size:
Mostly 9-12  months and sometimes 18 months

Hes getting back to his old routine. He goes to bed by 9pm and then wakes up around 7am. Takes a morning nap around 10am for an hour and then an afternoon nap sometime around 2pm. That one is his longer nap in which mommy can get chores done :) BUT--- ironically the 2 days that I have to get up at 5am to go to work, he wakes up too!!!! Its like he knows mommy is leaving and needs his morning cuddles and kisses.

Favorite Activities: He loves to explore! He is sooo independent and is very curious and is always disappearing. He loves singing and is starting to 'dance' when he hears music. He also loves to feed the dogs his treats. He laughs so hard when they come up to him and eat out of his hand.

Favorite Toys:
He loves all his toys that light up and make noise. And although its not a toy, he loves going for the cords and the keyboards for the computer.

Eating: He drinks about 2-4 bottles a day that are 6oz. He eats some rice cereal in the morning, snacks on his puffs throughout the day and then some more baby food at dinner time. He loves people food though so he'll get a bite or 2 at dinner off our plates.

Talking: He says Dada all the time still, screams "Yea" all day and is starting to make the "K" sound. He also says the "B" sound and "G" sounds. He also knows "food" in sign language.

He is monkey crawls on everything. He will even walk from the coffee table to the couch sometimes letting go in the process. Everyone thinks he'll be walking by his first birthday.

Remington is such a  wonderful baby. He is so smart, so loving and such a joy to be around.

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