Saturday, August 6, 2011

8 MONTHS!!!!

Weight: He weighs 19 lbs even!

He is 28 inches tall

Head Size:
17.5 inches - His head is finally growing!

Diaper Size: He wears size medium and large cloth diapers and size 3 in disposables

Clothes Size:
Mostly 9-12  months and sometimes 18 months

Sleep: Sleep is getting a little more 'tough'. He doesn't go to bed at the same time anymore (that may be our fault) but does wake up at 8am every morning. Nap times are getting shorter and shorter. He still takes 2 a day but they only last about 45 mins each.

Favorite Activities:
Crawling!! He loves to crawl everywhere and explore all the new places in the house. He loves to stand up at the coffee table and tap his toys on it. He still loves going on walks and playing with the dogs.

Favorite Toys:
He goes straight for the wood puzzle pieces! Not sure why, but he loves those. He loves banging the pieces together and on things like windows, tables and other toys.

Eating: He's starting to eat more solid foods. Recently he's ate eggs, graham crackers and mac and cheese. He drinks 3 -4 7oz bottles a day and east homemade baby food in the morning and in the evening for dinner. He LOVES his food!! If he sees you eating.....he thinks he has to eat too!

Talking: Still doesn't say "mama" much but says "dada" and "daddy" alllll day long. This week he started saying "B" sounds and "G" sounds like "Gaaa". And since we sing the ABCs and the Isty Bitsy spider alllll day long, I swear he tries to mimic those words or at least the tune of it :)

Crawling!! That the newest and most recent! He also pulls up on everything and will sometimes 'monkey crawl' on the coffee table.  He waves every now and then and learned how to make noise by wiggling his fingers in front of his mouth.

Remington James, You have come so far this month and learned so many new things. Time is going by so fast and you are growing up so fast but you will always be my little boy.

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