Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More milestones!!

Okay, we Remi pretty much sits up on his own now. He has to have toys in front of him though or else he gets to distracted with other things around the house and falls over. We have also discovered that he can stand up at the coffee table BY HIMSELF!! Yea - its crazy!!!!! And he loves it! He'll stand there for 5 minutes straight without falling. I swear this kid will be walking before he turns one. He rolls onto his back immediately after putting him on his belly so tummy time is almost 'extinct' :)
I'm pretty sure he's teething. He has been one heck of a brat - whines and cries all day long for no reason, stuffy nose and sleepy. The only thing that makes him feel better - or should I say that helps him not to cry all day long - is baby Tylenol. We've tried the numbing stuff, frozen wash cloths....you name it - we've tried it. Guess we just have to deal with it!! Ha!!
Anyways- Hes a really good boy. LOVES his Mama and Daddy and LOVES his doggies and kitty. They literally put smiles on his face when they walk in the room.

He's a few weeks shy of half a year old! WOW!!


  1. So dang adorable! I love the pic of him in his crib and with the dog. Your pooch is very patient with him, huh?

  2. Yes!!! The doggies LOVE him..almost too much!! They never leave him alone! They give him kissed anytime they are near each other. And when Remi is laying on the ground on his play mat, Mia (the one in the picture) lays right next to him the whole time.
