Monday, January 10, 2011

5 weeks!

Remington is 5 weeks old today!! He is doing fabulous and growing so fast! Here are some stats ( I meant to do this at his one month anniversary so expect all this again at his 2 month milestone)

Weight: Just under 7lbs ~ He was 5lbs 13oz at birth (I'm using my own scale so I can't get exact)
Height: 21 inches (he was 18 when born)
Diaper Size: We go back and forth between preemies and newborn
Clothes Size: He's definitly out of preemie and some newborn outfits are too big and most of the 0-3 month clothes fall off him
Sleep: He takes cat naps during the day. Bed time seems to be 11pm-ish and he goes about 5 hours without waking up. Then its back to every 3 hours or so. But hes getting his nights and days figured out I think (knock on wood)
Favorite activities: He is learning to like his swing and he loves laying in the boppy on the couch next to me. He also loves going for walks (we do that when he gets fussy) He LOVES bath time! He gets fussy when I'm getting him undressed for bath but as soon as the warm water hits him- he gets so content. He's actually almost fell asleep once.
Eating: We are breast feeding again after giving up the 2nd week (getting a little sore now though). He usually feeds every 2-3 hours during the day and about 4-5 hours at night. Every now and then when he wants my boob WAY too much, I'll give him a bottle of breast milk to give my poor boobs a break. OH and I also pump at least 4 times a day to help keep my frozen supply up.
Talking: It seems like hes using his voice a little bit. He cries of course but he also does these sweet little 'sighs' with his voice as he smiles. He giggles every now and then randomly. He is a grunter too! Grunts all the time!!
Adventures: Hes had a few 'dates' lately. My girlfriends have babies around the same age, and all girl babies, so we get together and have "play dates"...mostly for us Moms. But this past week we've had LOTS of visitors! Its fun showing him off :)

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